Hams of Western Labrador (HoWL)

Category: Repeater Info

  • Repeater Upgrades

    As most know, our VHF/UHF repeaters have been going through bit of a hard spell the past couple of months. After many hours of troubleshooting along side VO2NS (Naz), we found multiple issues, most having no apparent connection to each other. Severe RF interference (mostly on 10m), a misbehaving router, a couple of broken cables,…

  • HoWL Network Update

    For any of the members that have been following these posts, you’ll know for the past while there have been multiple issues with the stations in our VHF/UHF Allstar repeater network & it has been running in a reduced configuration for about 2 weeks now in an attempt to isolate the problem. From the log…

  • WL Woes!!

    It appears that the nagging issues with VO2WL repeater have not gone away.. 🙁 The problem with the consistent dropping PTT & horrible audio is still around… but only sometimes. After repairing/replacing some questionable network cabling in the VHF/UHF rack at the building, the problem seemed to have gone away and a number of long…

  • HoWL Repeater Update

    Over the past month, a number of reports have come in of issues with the VO2WL UHF repeater, which also acts as the central Hub for our network and any external stations linking into our repeater network. Reports have ranged from poor audio quality between linked nodes to “The entire network is Dead!” A couple…

  • VO2WL on Air

    Quick update. The VO2WL UHF Allstar repeater is back on the air & the HoWL repeater network is back to Normal operations (ie. VO2LMC 2m & VO2LMC 33cm linked to VO2WL, VO2WL open to incoming allstar & echolink connections & VO2LB linked to The Canada Hub). With little time to spend on the station repair,…

  • VO2LMC On Site

    VO2LMC was moved to the site on Smokey Mountain on Monday, July 24 with help from VO2NS (Naz), VO2PC (Ray), VO2GO (Glen) & Cory (Our Driver & general help). The location was prepped by leveling out the pallet with Rocks & placing the repeater enclosure on the pallet next to Lighting pole which or antennas…

  • Smokey Visit

    On the morning of March 4th, Naz, VO2NS & Glen, VO2GO visited the Smokey Mountain Ski Club and rode the Chair Lift to the top to get a good look at the location where the new VO2LMC repeater will be going, as well as get some measurements for cable lengths and other info needed for…

  • DMR repeater

    Update 21/10/2022 A local DMR repeater is now active in Lab West under callsign VO2ETC and available for general Amateur DMR traffic. The repeater is operating on 145.300 – , color code 5, local talkgroups on TS2, dx talkgroups on TS1. Currently TG 3020(NFLD) static on TS2. The repeater consists of a RB STM32-DVM Raspberry…

  • Club Main Tower Maintenance Sept 26, 2022

    On September 26th afternoon, a significant amount of work was done on the Club main tower by VO2NS (tower crew) & VO2GO (ground crew). Maintenance took almost 4 hours & weather conditions were very cooperative (Sunny, No wind & +12C). Old antennae & feed lines were removed, Connections were repaired & resealed, and a new…

  • VO2LB Installed at Club

    For more info on why VO2LB was put on the air read the earlier post about Repeater Upgrades. Today, VO2LB Allstar repeater was moved from the test bench to the club building. The install went very smoothly after all the prep work that was done by VO2NS on the repeater rack when VO2WL was installed…

  • Emeril Site Now & Then (VO2KG)

    Pictures & video of Emeril Mountain Site where VO2KG is located some 70Km East of Labrador City on Trans Labrador Hi-way route 500. The picture & video were taken on July 14, 2020 prior to the removal of the commercial tower and buildings surrounding VO2KG shack. Shortly after the above image was taken, and before…

  • Labrador West Repeaters

    Below is a listing of vitals for all the non-Functional, Functional & Future repeaters in Labrador West as of August 5, 2024. NOTE: Frequencies given here are the Repeater Tx & Rx frequencies. . If programming a radio for a repeater, switch the Tx & Rx frequencies. VO2WL As of April, 2022 VO2WL was upgraded…

  • VO2WL update

    VO2WL Allstar UHF repeater and the new web server was installed at the club building yesterday by VO2NS (Naz) and myself, VO2GO. After a few minor bumps it went well & WL is now live on the air along with our new web server. VO2WL repeater was upgraded from Motorola Maxtrac Radios to two Motorola…

  • Repeater Upgrades

    The decision was made in the fall of 2021 to upgrade our 3 repeaters, VO2WL, VO2LMC & VO2KG with a more modern system, AllstarLink, as was demonstrated over the previous year by VO2ET (Darryl) with his VO2ETC allstar node. This was prompted by small issues with VO2LMC, which is in a private building and very…