
Welcome our New HoWL Dashboard to monitor associated AllStar nodes.

This Supermon web site is for monitoring and managing our AllStar nodes. This is version 7.4+ of Supermon which we use for its simplicity in configuring in order to monitor multiple nodes on a single and seperate web server. Below are some basic instructions for using this dashboard.

On the menu bar click on the node numbers to see that indivudal node or click on AllNodes to see all the nodes at once (Best Option). These pages dynamically display any remote nodes that are connected to it. When a signal is received the remote node will move to the top of the list and will have a dark-blue background. The most recently received nodes will always be at the top of the list.

The images in the main banner above will randomly rotate through pictures of the local area in Western Labrador, Canada, including some images of our repeater sites.

All images were taken & provided by VO2GO (Glen).