CLUB Photos
Old club Photos
VO2WL update
VO2WL Allstar UHF repeater and the new web server was installed at the club building yesterday by VO2NS (Naz) and myself, VO2GO. After a few minor bumps it went well & WL is now live on the air along with our new web server. VO2WL repeater was upgraded from Motorola Maxtrac Radios to two Motorola…
The 47th Labrador Loppett
Today was another successful community event, The Great Labrador Loppett, which the club has helped provide communications for over the past 35 years. This year there was nearly 70 skiers competing in races from 2.5 Km to 40 Km, with only one DNF in the entire group. Five members took part covering the four check…
Repeater Upgrades
The decision was made in the fall of 2021 to upgrade our 3 repeaters, VO2WL, VO2LMC & VO2KG with a more modern system, AllstarLink, as was demonstrated over the previous year by VO2ET (Darryl) with his VO2ETC allstar node. This was prompted by small issues with VO2LMC, which is in a private building and very…