On the morning of March 4th, Naz, VO2NS & Glen, VO2GO visited the Smokey Mountain Ski Club and rode the Chair Lift to the top to get a good look at the location where the new VO2LMC repeater will be going, as well as get some measurements for cable lengths and other info needed for the install. We also had the Rare opportunity of riding the Chair Lift Down the mountain! Below are some pictures from the site visit.

The above picture shows the location of the HoWL club building (VO2WL) and the location of the VO2LMC enclosure. An underground 120V AC line will be run in flexible conduit from the chairlift attendant shack to the location of VO2LMC enclosure. Distance from Shack, (Where our 120V Breaker will be) to repeater location (Red Circle) was measured at 153 feet. From the repeater to base of pole was 15 feet for the RF feed lines.

Above picture is looking East, towards Emeril Mountain (VO2KG). Very difficult to see in this picture, but If you look REAL closely, you can actually see the top of Emeril Mountain which is 60Km away and is LOS for the 2.3 GHz link.

Naz (VO2NS) next to the lighting pole as a reference for height. Our 4-bay VHF dipole, which is 24 foot tall, will be side mounted to this lighting pole & take up most of the free pole space below the high voltage lighting at the top. Using Naz as a measuring stick, we have about 30 foot of free space on the pole, putting the connector on the antenna at about eye level.
Many Thanks to Aaron, Lead Hand at the Ski Club, for all his help that day.
One response to “Smokey Visit”
Nice photos Glen, That was a COLD DAY, that ride was great.. dit dit