On September 26th afternoon, a significant amount of work was done on the Club main tower by VO2NS (tower crew) & VO2GO (ground crew). Maintenance took almost 4 hours & weather conditions were very cooperative (Sunny, No wind & +12C). Old antennae & feed lines were removed, Connections were repaired & resealed, and a new antenna for VO2LB was installed. Details & pictures below.
First job was to remove the 6m loop, which was used on a 6m beacon (VO2FUN) and owned & operated by VE2III (Daniel) SK. Also, the troublesome 2m vertical which was used on VO2LB allstar repeater, (seen tilted on a 45 degree angle behind Naz & the tower), was also removed along with all associated feed lines. As suspected with the 2m vertical, the feed line was the problem and several portions of the cable were found to be badly cracked up, exposing the severely corroded shielding inside, and explaining the 3+:1 SWR readings. All that can be expected after 30+ years strapped to a tower in the severe Labrador climate! The vertical antenna itself has not been checked as of this post. If the old vertical checks out, it will most likely be repurposed as the APRS antenna on VO2LMC next season.

Below picture of the tower crew (VO2NS) repairing connections to 4-bay dipole loop on VO2WL allstar repeater, which had broken free from the tower during wind storm last winter. The only thing holding the connection together was the tape as it pulled apart as soon as Naz removed the tape. The connector on the Antenna end had to be repaired before resealing & strapping to the tower.

Picture below showing the Installation of the new VO2ET Experimental 2m VHF antenna for VO2LB repeater.

Several basic audio/connection tests were completed on both of the allstar repeaters the evening of Sept 26th with outstanding results. More detailed testing to follow using proper test equipment. Locations around town that were only able to use VO2LB on a 25w mobile were checked, with very good results using only a 5W portable handheld!
The only tower maintenance remaining this season is to swap out the top HF beam antenna requiring the use of a zoom boom, which a request has been made to a local vendor for the donation of the zoom boom use and will be provided upon the availability.
One response to “Club Main Tower Maintenance Sept 26, 2022”
Good job ET for the built and GO for the technical knowledge.